
Fleischer Application Summer 2025

Fleischer Scholars Program 2025

This summer program is ideal for current high school juniors seeking to enhance their strategic thinking capabilities.  Students will learn to unlock their potential and build a strategic mindset using a new mobile application during a transformative, online, pre-college development program.  Students will prepare for college scholarships and acquire the keys to academic and career success as they engage and collaborate with other motivated peers.

Important Dates, Deadlines and Application Details 

Program Dates and Times:  
-  The program takes place June 9th - June 13th, 2025  
-  Virtual Programming takes place from 10:00AM - 12:00PM, MST Daily
-  Culminating on campus experience, June 13th.   
Application Deadlines and Details:  
-  This application process is competitive.   
-  Early consideration is February 15th. 
-  The deadline to apply is March 15th.
-  Late applications may be accepted through April 15th, if the program is not already full. 
-  *Interested students are highly encouraged to apply by or before the final deadline.  

There is no cost to the Fleischer Summer Scholar applicant to apply, and no fees to participate if selected.  Applications are considered based on multiple factors listed below.  

-  Involvement in school and community
-  Academic Performance (3.0 or better high school GPA)
-  Household income (financial need)
-  First Generation Student (first in family pursing college; parent has not completed a four-year college or university degree.) 

The Online Application Requires 
General information: 
-  student and parent/guardian contact
-  currently enrolled high school and a
cademic information, which may include business courses taken in high school 
-  involvement in clubs, organizations, community service, and/or work experience 

Short Essay Prompts: 
-  One prompt answered is the minimum requirement to be considered a complete application
-  Short essay answers should not be written by a chatbot and should be 300 words or less

    a)  In your own words, describe a hardship you have overcome and how that experience can help you succeed in this program.  
    b)  Describe in your own words what you think it means to become a master adaptive learner and a strategic thinker.        
Recommendations from an academic, career professional or mentor:  
-  This is encouraged, not mandatory 
-  The online form can be accessed and completed by the recommender here:  https://asu.questionpro.com/t/ATrnaZyru5 

Qualities of program applicants: 
motivated to learn new things and have a strong desire to succeed
-  a willing attitude, ready to actively participate, engage and show respect for others selected to participate in this program
-  a winning attitude, possessing a strong desire to set and accomplish goals, showing optimism and enthusiasm in the program
-  a strong moral compass, having the desire to do the right thing even when no one is watching and be role model for others

Additional Questions: 

-  Please refer to the below email or phone number or visit:  
-  Questions with an application you already submitted, please email wpcsummerprograms@asu.edu or call 480 965 5187  
If you have read the above information and have your application essay and other information ready to submit, please click the "Start" button below to start the application.
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