The application period is closed for FY24.
2 to 3 fellowships are awarded annually.
This fellowship provides a summer stipend of up to $5,000 to support 1st and 2nd year ASU MFA students in completing a substantial literary work such as a creative manuscript or other literary project. A budget of up to $5,000 must be included with each project proposal. 
Travel is not required but is an allowable expense. Other allowable expenses include technology such as computers or cameras, book printing and/or design, facility costs, housing, childcare, and/or other research and personal expenses.
Applicants must be graduate students currently enrolled in ASU's MFA in creative writing program and in their 1st or 2nd year of the program at the time of application. Applicants must also be in good academic standing and on track to finish their MFA degrees. Students are ineligible to receive the fellowship two years in a row. 

A student may apply for but cannot receive both a Scholar in Creative Writing Fellowship and  Fellowship for Cultural Exchange in the Literary Arts in the same year.
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